Section A 1a—1c 【学习目标】 句型:When was the car invented? 弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。 【学习重点难点】 句型:When was the car invented? 弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。 【学法指导】 在学习中,懂得人类的科学...
When she was a teenager, she thought about inventing something to help others. Emily’s grandfather had arthritis (关节炎). His hands and fingers hurt seriously. He had difficulty getting toothpaste out of the tube. So she created a product to help him, and won the Young Engineer for ...
,wasdrunkby,wasproduced,wasbroughtto,istradedbetween,wassold,wasstolen,weretaken,wereadvised,weretranslated,waslocked,were told,wereeaten,wasborn isplayedby,wasaskedto, 1.Band-aidsareusedwidelyintheworldnow. 2.Itisbelievedthatdrinkingmilkcanmakeourbodystronger. 3.Ping-pongisplayedeverywhereinChina. 4...
i have created thousa i have decided t i have diplomatic cou i have ever b man bef i have faltered i hav i have four books i have frankly them i have good grades i have had enough of i have half a mind to i have heard and my b i have huge doubts i have identity probl i ...
Our teacher was trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.This was 30 years ago when there were big movements to make British people healthier. Wes tar ted to eat boiled potatoes instead of French fries and drink fat-free milk instead of whole milk. At ...
If you express milk using a breast pump, it could be too aggressive and be causing the tissue around your nipple to tear. How can I treat cracked nipples? When breastfeeding causes pain, it can be tempting to chuck the towel in. But it is possible to treat cracked nipples quickly and ...
Breakfast usually consists of lots of bacon (Applegate Farms uncured), fruit, and chai tea with almond milk. This morning, it was Applegate chicken and apple sausage and lots of cherries. Lunch usually involves leftovers, Applegate lunch meat or grass-fed hot dogs, or tuna/salmon salad with ...
then was afraid to come down. He 41 warm milk. It would not come down. The tree was not 42 enough to climb,so the man decided that if he tied a rope to his 43 and pulled it until the tree bent down,he could then 44 and get the kitten. That?s what he did,all the while che...
1.Potatochipswasinvented(invent)in1853. 2.Thesebiscuitstastesweetandcrispy(crisp).CouldIhavesomemore? 3.Lilyboughteighteggsandtwopotatoes(potato). 4.Thewaitersthereareveryfriendly.Theyconsiderallcustomers(customer)tobetheirfriends. 5.Themilksmellssour(sour)andithasgonebad.;二、英汉互译。 1.卡罗尔非常...
aI had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric ( 古怪的 ) farmer. I had never met him before although I had often heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything...