When was Tintoretto born? When was Duccio born? When did Masaccio die? When is ethnology used? When were the Benedictines founded? When was Knowth discovered? When was Newgrange discovered? When was the Jikji printed? When was Pisanello born?
When was Mapungubwe at its peak? When does the M. Butterfly play take place? When did the Teutonic Knights start? When was Andrew Wiles born? When did Joseph Smith start translating the Book of Mormon? When was the Bayeux Tapestry discovered?
When was She Stoops to Conquer written? When was Mapungubwe at its peak? When was the book Our Town written? When did ethnology come about? When is the Guru Granth Sahib read? When did Madhyamaka Buddhism start? When was Eusebius by Schumann written?
When was the Haudenosaunee tribe created? When was the Baroque music era? When did musicology begin? When was Mapungubwe at its peak? When was chiaroscuro developed? When did animism start? When was the Victorian architecture period? When was the Haudenosaunee language written down? When did Aust...
When was chiasmus first used? When did the Proto-Renaissance start? When did minimalism begin? When did postmodernism start? When did agnosticism start? When did sociolinguistics emerge? When did futurism end? When was Mapungubwe at its peak?
When was Mapungubwe at its peak? When did ethnology come about? When did musicology begin? When did classicism start? When did Precisionism art start? When did Neoclassicism end? When does upward communication happen? When did melodrama originate?
When was Mapungubwe at its peak? When did William Shakespeare retire? When was Edward Hopper born and when did he die? When did Alfred Sisley die? When did Donatello create his David? When did Fauvism end? When did the Teutonic Knights order finally end? When did Jay Silverheels die? Whe...