In those days, early Christians were persecuted and even martyred for their beliefs, which led them to put an emphasis on Easter, when they believe Jesus was martyred on the cross but overcame death and was resurrected. It wasn't until the third and fourth centuries C.E. that early Christi...
Moses was also raised, that’s why the devil protested. Then Michael said, “the Lord rebuke thee.” Hence it was a living, resurrected Moses and a living, translated Elijah that appeared on the mount. Immediately prior to this appearance, Jesus told his disciples that they would soon “...
Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar. It observes the most central tenet of the Christian faith—that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. The Resurrection represents the triumph of good over evil, sin, death, and the physical body. Easter Sunday marks the end of Holy ...
God didn’t want to forgive all humans. The only people God actually wanted to benefit from this brutal torture were those who believed that the person crucified was really God’s own son, and that this son was subsequently resurrected and must be worshipped. And how do these believers bene...
There will not be another resurrection for 1000 years, and when it occurs, it will include everyone who was not in the First Resurrection. All the sainted dead were resurrected BEFORE the 1,000-year rule of Jesus Christ. Some people think they will be raptured BEFORE the Tribulation. They...
he filled the mug to the brim, handed me my change and graciously said Gracias Amigo. That’s when I handed back over the 5 pesos, insisting on paying more because my cup was bigger. Nearly 2x the figured capacity actually. He accepted the gesture, thanked me again, and that was that...
Funny, but last night I was holding my phone in bed as I couldn’t sleep. I wish I could sleep without the phone, I really do, and I wish all the phones in the world would disappear. I prayed and even clutched that little Oaxacan Jesus the one that still smells like cedar and ...
VSCode Version: 1.10.2 (8076a19) OS Version: macOS Sierra 10.12.3 VS Code uses 13% CPU when focused and idle, draining battery. This is likely due to the blinking cursor rendering. I think CPU usage when focused-and-idle could ideally be...
Have faith in the Gospel of Jesus, that He lived, showed miracles, died, was buried, resurrected from the dead, conquered death. Believe in Him and trust Him with all your life. The ticket to Heaven is free and open to ALL. So don't waste your chance! But if you do waste your ...
Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar. It observes the most central tenet of the Christian faith—that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. The Resurrection represents the triumph of good over evil, sin, death, and the physical body. ...