A member of the Levitical priesthood, Jeremiah had been trained from childhood for holy service. In those happy years of preparation he little realized that he had been ordained from birth to be "a prophet unto the nations;" and when the divine call came, he was overwhelmed with …Ellen ...
A prophet in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, called by God to deliver messages of warning and hope to the Israelites.2. IsraelThe Northern Kingdom, often referred to in Hosea as Ephraim, which had turned away from God and was facing impending judgment.3. GodThe central figure who is ...
45 When Baruch son of Neriah wrote on a scroll the words Jeremiah the prophet dictated in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, Jeremiah said this to Baruch: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: 3 You said, ‘Woe to me! The Lor...
8And when Jeremiah had finished speaking all that theLordhad commanded him to speak to all the people, thenfthe priests and the prophets and all the people laid hold of him, saying, “You shall die! 了解更多分享复制 显示注脚 隐藏脚注 ...
Chatbot's namesake: Jeremiah A. Chatbot Ill When Jeremiah A. Chatbot Ill was just a young boy growing up in Brooklyn, his parents motivated him to do great things in life. "I 've always been a mama's boy," he told the Campus Times in 2017. "She always told me that I would be ...
21And he arose and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel. 22But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither; and being warned of God in a dream, he withdrew into the parts of...
Jeremiah Murphy
Bloodto this day.9Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying,“And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel,10and they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lo...
“So Israel was joined to Baal of Peor, and the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel.”(Numbers 25:3) Seeing HisChosen Peopleworship pagan gods enraged God and resulted in a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites. Scripture reveals that it was Balaam, who counseled the Midianites...
“So Israel was joined to Baal of Peor, and the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel.”(Numbers 25:3) Seeing HisChosen Peopleworship pagan gods enraged God and resulted in a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites. Scripture reveals that it was Balaam, who counseled...