Each year there was a statistic that about 69% of the time when a gun (or knife, not stick) was drawn by the intended victim, the criminal left. Sure, each situation was ugly and scary (I report some actual situations to attendees) but this was an average end result over the years....
St. Macrina was also the tutor of her younger brother, Peter of Sebaste who would become a Bishop in the early church. She taught him not only the great philosophical ideas of the time, but also about The Way which was spreading like wildfire in the West and the Near East. In this w...
The ___ 2.2 miles was like a long trip across America.The dizziness was worse,my ___ was blacking out periodically, and my legs felt like lead ___,but I didn’t quit.Eventually, I crossed the finish line in three hours,and three minutes, 22 seconds--a new double amputee world reco...
just published, which means I’m going to have to wait to see What Happens. That’s annoying, because I love to rip through a long series. I came to Game of Thrones late and it was an endless hot bath of fantasy lit joy for me as I immersed myself in book after book of Martin...
God Bless Canada...which includes Newfoundland. Will be celebrating tomorrow. Major Lorne Hiscock Lewisporte, NL Canada Reply The Editors 2 years 4 months ago In reply to I noticed… by Major Lorne Hiscock (not verified) Labrador was part of the Province of Canada initially; we have edit...
In the autumn of 1829 I heard of Joseph Smith as a Prophet to whom the Lord was speaking from the heavens; and that a Sacred Record containing a history of the origin of the aborigines of America, was unearthed. A Prophet of [ 6 ] God -- the voice of God revealing to man as in...
The upside of the new clinic, apart from its wonderful and caring staff of nurses and doctors (God bless the Irish health service), is its WiFi. My previous clinic had a woeful service, so all I could do was read. Now I can stream shows on my laptop, listening to them on the headp...
When is Thanksgiving? Discover the Thanksgiving holiday date for 2024 plus the history and meaning of this beloved historical tradition in America. Bonus Bible verses about giving thanks and remembering the blessings of God! Christianity.com Editorial Staff Christianity.com Updated Sep 11, 2024 ...
When I was growing up there were no cartoons on the TV. There was no TV. But there were comics. During the World War II, my favourite comics were not published every week, owing to shortage of newsprint; they were, in general, published every two weeks. Not all comics were on the ...