I am running C23 with a Capture One 20/21 Catalog (no more button showed to upgrade) on a SurfaceBook Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz 1.50 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.6 GB usable) Product ID 00342-23766-04161-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system,...
I think the last thing I did before this started to happen was that I created a new widget Version Info: App Version: 0.15.12 from F-Droid Android Version: 10 Device Model: Motorola Moto G7 power Relevant Logcat: 4340 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=...
{method:"POST",headers:{Authorization:botBearerToken},url:`${connectorApiBaseURI}/v3/conversations/${conversationId}/activities`,data:{type:"message",text:"random text message",inputHint:"acceptingInput",},} I can retrieve the activity/message id I just created in the response body. But i...
We can see thatConnect,KillandCloseIOwere all called, but only one was able to acquire the sanbox mutex,CloseIO. Jan 29 13:33:43 ...snip... kata[1593459]: time="2025-01-29T13:33:43.007339793-08:00" level=debug msg="Start() end" container=e280f64fb51c7f17edcc6aacdcf0d5483880c67...
I was able to connect and stream successfully from my LG G7 phone. I installed link natively on my sony x900f android tv and experienced the same behavior as the shield tv. I reported the bug to AMD but before trying my tv/phone This is definitely fundamentally something wrong in Ad...
The tutorial goes on to say that "If the connection is successful, you should be able to type a few characters. When you press enter, the server should disconnect." I was able to do this and the server disconnected. But the tutorial goes on to say that you may have to look ...
You should then hopefully have a buch of folders beginning with "RP"; select and open an RP folder created on a date prior to when the problem started. To find out when it was created you can right click on it, select properties and this will show the creation date. ...
If I go to Device Manager and "update" the iGPU driver, to one that is obviously a previous version of what I had (I believe it was the 1069 driver), the tests work all fine, no error, all fine. However, they perform a little worse than the 1191....
All the tests work fine, until it reaches the directX10. Then the laptop starts to freeze while performing the test and a message appears in the Action Center (right low corner of Windows) saying that the application was stopped from using the iGPU or something...