ThismovietellsthestoryofJohnNash(RussellCrowe),aprofessoratPrinceton,aUSuniversity,whorevolutionizedthefieldofgametheoryandfellinto madnessasaresultofparanoid schizophrenia(精神分裂症).Withtheloveand supportofhisfamilyaswellasthehelpofmedicalprofessionals,he managedto overcome his mentalillnessandcontinuedto makeco...
In the last decade, probably in response to global changes and the environmental crisis, the use of the term "social-ecological system" (SES) in scientific literature has grown. This is certainly a sign that the need and importance of transdisciplinary research has been recognized. Here, we ex...
The target product was a major cereal brand, which we selected because cereal products vary substantially in sustainability depending on the composition and production methods. Three flavors (chocolate, fruit, and honey nut) account for individual taste preferences. We developed the sustainability informa...
The broader management literature has argued for the primacy of theory and the central need for theory development. It has been argued that theories “operate like a flashlight,” allowing scholars to see the world differently (Kaplan,1964; Polanyi,1974). Theories tell scholars “what to look fo...
Overall, the theory and scientific discipline of movement ecology aim to understand the causal relationships between organismal movements, species coexistence, as well as the impact of the movement path on ecosystem processes, and thus biodiversity patterns under different environmental conditions (Jeltsch ...
In theory, banking competition represents improvement related to financial resource allocation, and thus, the authors argue that banking competition could play an unidentified role in aiding the effectiveness of green finance. Based on the developed hypotheses, this study uses unique data on the geograp...
M. Towards a thermodynamic theory for ecological systems (Elsevier, 2004). 29. Burkle, L. A. & Alarco´n, R. The future of plant-pollinator diversity: understanding interaction networks across time, space, and global change. Am. J. Bot. 98, 528–538 (2011). 30. Ramirez, N. Biolog...
This work was developed in the context of the COPAN project on Coevolutionary Pathways in the Earth system at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The authors are grateful for financial support from the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, the Stordalen Foundation (via the Planetary Boundaries ...
The process was developed by Nzambi Matee, who used her engineering skills to develop the process that involved mixing plastic waste with sand. The cleaned and dried bottles are cut into pieces. The plastic is melted in a drum and sand is mixed with it form the bricks. \citep{nairobi} Th...
Junlian Ecological Agriculture Technology Co Ltd, a local mushroom grower, was among the beneficiaries. Chen Shaorong, owner of the firm, said mushroom cultivation in the greenhouses requires exacting temperature and humidity controls. Even slight variations could affect the quality of the produce. ...