When was Benjamin Banneker famous? When did Henry Hudson discover New York? When was Rene Descartes born? When did Samuel de Champlain start exploring? When did Isaac Newton go to college? When did Christopher Columbus sail across the Atlantic Ocean?
When was John Napier born? When was Rene Descartes born? When was Qutubuddin Aibak born? When was Joseph Priestley born? When were Galileo's theories accepted? When was Frederick the Great born? When did the Tarascans live? When was Archimedes' principle discovered?
a Rene Descartes was born in La Haye in Touraine, France. His mother died shortly after his birth and he was raised by his father, a councilor of the parliament of Rennes in Brittany. His father enrolled him in the celebrated Jesuit College of La Flèche at the age of eight. When ...
People build up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. I remember when I was prosecutor we had truancy and curfew issues and we made a refrigerator magnet, and that was hot with parents. They loved putting it up on the wall and saying, you k...
Descartes, Principes, IV, 198 (French translation of Claude Picot revised by Descartes). 42. AT, IX, 58. In this two passages, the french text dated 1647 is very different from the latin text dated 1644. It was probably modified by Descartes himself. 43. Dioptric, discourse four, in Des...
Descartes' error: the neurological turn From 1994 to 1997, I was a member of European Science Foundation's Standing Committee for The Humanities. ESF- Humanities has always been very dedicated to the development of interdisciplinary research, not just with the social sciences, but also the ...
cosmopolis for the first time, a soul whose identity is shaped by an actual culture is likely to discover himself as a "young barbarian just come to the capital of the world," as Czeslaw Milosz puts it. Reflecting on his earlier years at the Sorbonne in "Bypassing Rue Descartes," Milosz...
Aristotle was born 50 years after the Great Plague of Athens, but if he were alive he almost certainly would have expressed his asinine views through a series of long-winded Medium posts. A good reason to read history at this moment is to find solace in the knowledge that our predecessors...
It also conforms to Descartes’s idea that when “some object surprises us and we find it novel, or very different from what we formerly knew or from what we supposed it ought to be, this causes us to wonder and to be astonished at it.” But familiarity alone doesn’t explain our ...
When our daughter was born four years ago, we were offered a single parental leave, which Carol took. In hindsight, this was probably unwise; it delayed her tenure clock, which will, in turn, delay her going up for full professor. John faced no such delays. ...