you're gonna laugh, but I made mine with some coca cola and it was fantastic. Basically you end up with a beefy sauce that is very slightly sweet ( I cooked it down a lot ...pressure cook 35min and then slow cook 4 hours ). The general rumor as per coke use is that some o...
This entry was an audio format competitor to CDs, but without read-write or computer compatibility, a pretty big miss even in the 90s, when music was just starting to make the digital migration that would eventually become its future (mp3s, streaming, etc.). Consumers wisely avoided this fo...
He took to sniffin' cocaine I'd find him out in the back yard Sittin' against a tree His eyes bugged out in a cocaine stare And his mind in a cocaine dream Well one fall day when Uncle Bill Was having a cocaine fit He said "Louise this coke's no good and I've made up my mi...
Casa Casuarina, when he was murdered by Andrew Cunanan on July 15, 1997. Versace was returning from a morning visit to News Cafe when he was shot in the back of the head with the same Taurus pistol Cunanan used to carry out the murders of two other victims, William Reese and...
I realised a while ago that I couldn’t ride in the passenger seat with someone at the wheel who was on such a relentless path to self-destruction. It’s taken many years, a lot of sadness, and a lot of collateral damage to people, relationships and lives outside of his. ...
It was collectively decided that all four flight attendants felt uncomfortabel with what was going on. There was a child up there. Other passengers felt uncomfortable. This was the closest place to go, so we as a team made the decision to come here. So th...
It’ll just sit there because no one will know what to do with your intended tip that NEVER was! 13 You Can Safely Walk Around Singapore in the Middle of the Night (This is why Singapore is one of theBEST destinations for solo female travelers) ...
What is known, unquestionably, is that Rogers used cocaine at least once. It was once too often. “I don’t know why people use drugs, but, of course, the pressure (on Don) might have had something to do with it,” his fiancee, Leslie Nelson, said. “He’s had responsibilities eve...
Before long, the leading entry for the name of the new ship was “RRS Boaty McBoatface,” a name which soon became an internet sensation. As links to the contest were shared, the name continued to gain steam, ending with 124,000 votes — over three times the votes of the runner-up ...
one of those stories that we journalists loved to gossip about, with a wink and a nod, among ourselves but of which the wider Irish knew absolutely nothing.Anybody who was anybody in the Dublin media world knew that Gerry Ryan had a fondness for cocaine.And let's be honest about it, ...