Unfortunately, due to this tradition of incestuous relationships, Amenemhat IV was sterile, so he didn’t leave a male heir after his death. That’s how Neferusobek, the last ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, assumed the throne. She remained there for no more than four years, a peri...
When did the Arab Spring start in Egypt? When did King Solomon become king? When did Pepi II come to the throne of Egypt? When was Cleopatra pharaoh? When and how did Cleopatra become Queen of Egypt? When did King Abdullah rule Saudi Arabia?
Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene.—The district so named (probably fromAbel,the Hebrew for a “grassy meadow”) lay on the eastern slope of the range of the Anti-Libanus, and was watered by the Barada. The name of Lysanias appears as its ruler from the time of Antony and Cleopatra to...
When did Ramesses II rule?Ramses II:Ramses II, which is also spelled 'Ramesses II, was one of the dynastic rulers of ancient Egypt. These rulers, known as pharaohs, ruled Egypt for thousands of years. Historians keep track of their dynasties by number.Answer and Explanation: ...
When did the Persian Empire conquer Egypt?Question:When did the Persian Empire conquer Egypt?Cambyses II:Cambyses II was born to Cyrus the Great (founder of the Achaemenid or First Persian Empire) at an unknown date. Not much is known about the Persian ruler, but his father put him in cha...