At that time, Claude was taller than me. He was also better at basketball. I fell behind him fast. I was not willing to lose. So I drove the ball hard to the basket, but missed it! The ball bounced off the rim(被篮筐弹开) and I jumped up to catch it. Just as I was about ...
How old was Henry Morgan when he died? How old was Claude Shannon when he died? How old was George Washington Carver when he died? How old was Henry Sampson when he died? How old was the pirate John Taylor when he died? How old was Marquis de Lafayette when he died? How old was ...
How old was Richard Wright when he died? How old was Earle Dickson when he died? How old was Ned Kelly when he died? How old was Claude Shannon when he died? How old was Thomas Newcomen when he died? How old was Jonathan Daniels when he died? How old was William Henry Harrison whe...
How old was John Jay when he died? How old was F. Scott Fitzgerald when he died? How old was Malcolm X when his dad died? How old was Khufu when he died? How old was Henry Box Brown when he died? How old was Imhotep when he died? How old was Claude Shannon when he died? Ho...