lackedoxygenlongenoughthathewasn?tbreathing.Hewasplacedonhisside,andanadulthit himhardontheback.Itwasonlywhen Madison heardhimcrythatsheknewhewasallright.It tookMadisonlongertorecoverthantheboy,who wastakentohospitalandlefthospitalthatsame night.She,however,experiencedmonthsofpainfultreatment,fortheinjurythat...
Tom Hanks was just beginning his ascent in Hollywood, which explains why he played second fiddle to Dan Aykroyd’s Joe Friday in the 1987 big-screen update of theDragnetTV series. While there were jokes made about Friday’s name in the movie, somehow people didn’t even flinch at the na...
When people say “trust the science”what they really mean to say, or should mean to say, is “trust the scientific method.” Science is constantly in a state of flux. It is never settled because there are always new things to learn. In the 1950s, I was taught that there were electr...
She added, "We're a long way off, but we really do hope to translate this netrin-1 finding into a new therapy. Ideally, it would do what gabapentin and related head-injury drugs aim to do, only better and more precisely."
After learning that Emily was in need of a car to resume her normal life, in an amazingly generous anonymous donor in America bought her the car of her dreams. Rabbi Shai Graucher presented her with a new BMW on the donor’s behalf. May she continue to heal and to rebuild her life....
Today, kids would need therapy for flashbacks, a safe space and probably financial assistance from The Government for life. Epilogue: Come to think of it, I don’t really even know what the school secretary said to my mom or even what my mom said to me as I wrestled from the arms ...
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