When was the Sermon on the Mount written? When was Benozzo Gozzoli born? When was batik invented? When was Lysistrata Jones written? When did Paranthropus boisei live? When was the praxinoscope invented? When was The Thinker created?
When was the Latin language created? How has technology affected interpersonal communication? When was Phoenician alphabet invented? When were the Benedictines founded? When was French pop music invented? When was batik invented? When was the Phoenician alphabet discovered?
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When was stoicism popular? When was the golden age of travel? When did Socialist Realism end? When was Duccio born? What period did Homo habilis live in? When did the Yupik tribe live? When was Paranthropus boisei discovered? When did classicism start? When was batik invented? When were ...