When was Andrew Wiles born? Where was atheism founded? When was The Weeping Woman stolen? When was Battle of the Centaurs created? When was the Garden of Earthly Delights painted? When did the australopithecines go extinct? When did Parmenides die?
When was batik invented? When was the Phoenician alphabet discovered? When did melodrama originate? When was the Haudenosaunee language written down? When was Australopithecus afarensis discovered? When was foreshortening discovered? When was atheism created?
as has been intimated, was particularly well entrenched in the faculties of philosophy and theology, would retire from the field without a struggle.12. A sharp contest arose over the introduction of non-Catholic books, into which the elector himself was drawn, and which in addition ...
When was Lao Tzu in power? When is the Guru Granth Sahib used in the Gurdwara? When did Jainism begin? How did Ibn Sina fight injustice? When was Australopithecus sediba found? When was Newgrange discovered? When was atheism created?
When was nominalism invented? Why were the Benedictines founded? When was atheism created? When was The Thinker created? When was Paranthropus boisei discovered? When was ethology created? When was the Christ Pantocrator made? When was foreshortening discovered? When was the zoetrope invented? When...
When was Herculaneum built? When was atheism created? When was Sofonisba Anguissola born? When did secular humanism begin? When did the australopithecines go extinct? When was El Greco born? When was the Tamil calendar started? When did Masaccio die? When did the Mutapa Empire end? When ...