was ai in 2000, as i was trying to make the world great again and AI can help make that goal simpler or harder to reach it depends on the integrity of the scirips AI is running ande AI depends on how you use it for decades it has worked for some very well and against other ...
was ai in 2000, as i was trying to make the world great again and AI can help make that goal simpler or harder to reach it depends on the integrity of the scirips AI is running ande AI depends on how you use it for decades it has worked for some very well and against other ...
1 Because i have the best startups for 3DteleVisionNhammel.com net org 3DStreaningtv social net and have been so readted i8 feaql like the 1970 acientists as they predicted global temporature ocer 1.5 would cause a run away climkat furnace and fir all thoes years their message was reda...
The human body is made of stardust and it;s dirt contains billions of attoms of hydrogen, carbon, helium copper and salt plus electrons as atoms abound , each proton and nutron one is for you! inside each proton and electron are tiny groups ofr quarks some groups are ups and some are...
1 Because i have the best startups for 3DteleVisionNhammel.com net org 3DStreaningtv social net and have been so readted i8 feaql like the 1970 acientists as they predicted global temporature ocer 1.5 would cause a run away climkat furnace and fir all thoes years their message was reda...
1. MONO STEREO SBSBS * TVPIN links * 3DTVPolitics as the 2D TV medias knuckle down on theior 2 pics for leaders of Canada the rest of the provinces are redacted and so no possibility but a 2D sociall net election looking forward as they redact to own the podium yet again in 2D. ...
[ nodes and then it went iCANN addresssing on a common www but the www turned into a ssl www and so business was to be safe but along came cell phones and new platforms and intRAnet n0odes especialy made for new devices onlky and now these devicdes are incorporatewd in statdard sswl...
3DTVPolitics as the 2D TV medias knuckle down on theior 2 pics for leaders of Canada the rest of the provinces are redacted and so no possibility but a 2D sociall net election looking forward as they redact to own the podium yet again in 2D. www.3DTVCanada.com looking for a partner...
[ nodes and then it went iCANN addresssing on a common www but the www turned into a ssl www and so business was to be safe but along came cell phones and new platforms and intRAnet n0odes especialy made for new devices onlky and now these devicdes are incorporatewd in statdard sswl...
[ nodes and then it went iCANN addresssing on a common www but the www turned into a ssl www and so business was to be safe but along came cell phones and new platforms and intRAnet n0odes especialy made for new devices onlky and now these devicdes are incorporatewd in statdard sswl...