Nauseated and longing for blindness, Ram was left yearning for the days of yore. "We didn't know how good we had it," sighed Ram. "We just went online, never thinking we were about to be shown gay sex tapes filmed inside the nation's Capitol. Those ...
Edward was demoted to Duke of Windsor, and he moved to the European continent with Simpson. In 1937, theymarriedin France. “No man could look happier than did the
JudithKerrwasborninBerlin,thedaughterofadistinguishedGermanwriter.SheleftGermanywithherfamilyin1933toescapefromtheNazisandtheyarrivedinEnglandin1936,havingspenttheinterveningyearsinSwitzerlandandFrance.SheismarriedtowriterNigelKnealeandtheyhavetwochildren 丛书 Essential Modern Classics — END — 3家店有售 新书 0...
” such asPrince WilliamandMini Cooper. In Germany, a court ruled that a couple couldn’t name their childStonebecause “a child cannot identify with it, because it is an object.”Möwe(“seagull”) was rejected as well, because the bird is “...
Bronx-born Carl Reiner was an incomparable comic actor and writer, winning nine Emmys as well as a Grammy for his comedy album with Mel Brooks, "The 2,000 Year Old Man." He created the pilot of what became "The Dick Van Dyke Show" and played the role of boss Alan Brady, directed ...
IN JUNE, 1910, Bridget Dowling, a nave Irish girl, married Alois Hitler Jnr in London, before the couple settled in Liverpool. On March 12, 1911, their only child, William Patrick, was born in the couple's pleasant three-bedroomed flat at 102 Upper Stanhope Street, Toxteth. Life in...
For example, Rush Limbaugh gave the following quiz: “Who caused more deaths: Adolf Hitler or RachelCarson?” Limbaugh's answer was Carson, due to the approximately 100 million deaths from malaria (疟疾) since 1972, the year in which the pesticide (杀虫剂)DDT was banned for use in the ...
It was just over seven years ago when Batman and Superman graced East Lansing with their presence. Do you remember when they filmed at the Broad Art Museum?
He lost money in thecasino business. That’sfucking impossible!Donald Trump was born on third base and got caught in a rundown while trying to steal home. Donald Trump is a vapid, borderline illiterate buffoon, whose greatest success was being the host of a reality TV show in which the ...
How Japanese-occupied Shanghai became a haven for Jewish refugeesby Sheldon KirshnerAFTER ADOLF HITLER'S accession to power, Shanghai was the only place where a Jew persecuted by Nazism could emigrate without a visa or family sponsorship.Ulrike Ottinger's mother, a German Jew, was not aware ...