M. C. released their single My Adidas in 1986, it earned the group a first-of-its-kind endorsement (代言) deal with the brand. Soon after, Kurt Cobain of the grunge band Nirvana made Converse a symbol of rebellion and youth.”(运动鞋文化也开始在篮球场之外发展起来。当有影响力的嘻哈乐队...
itearnedthegroup a first-of-its -kindendorsement(代言) dealwiththebrand.Soonafter,KurtCobainofthegrungebandNirvanamadeConverse a symbolofrebellionandyouth(球鞋文化也开始在篮球场之外发展起来。当时颇具影响力的嘻哈乐。1986年,他们发行了单曲《我的阿迪达斯》(MyAdidas),这首歌为他们赢得了该品牌的首个代言...
下表是19世纪70年代的法国重大历史事件。由此可知,此时的法国() 时间 史实 1876年3月 共和派赢得众议院选举胜利并得以组阁 1877年5月 麦克总统解散共和派内阁,由布罗伊公爵组阁 1879年1月 共和派赢得参议院选举胜利。两院改选总统,温和共和派格雷维继任 ...
Orange Fiber is a biodegradable fabric made from oranges invented by an Italian startup company with the same name. The company extracts cellulose from discarded orange rinds collected from the industrial pressing and processing of oranges and converts it into a material resembling silk. In Italy, ...
an engineer who helped invented the plastic soda bottle; his youngest son Andrew was the star. He spent a great deal of time with his father who schooled him at home due to his sickly childhood and was immersed in his world of art and thinking. Andrew made a name for himself following ...
Delicious is dead by now despite having been bought by a fast moving outfit. It was simply neglected for too long. Also the brand has been hurt by a Yahoo leak It fueled fears of them closing down the service. Thus a large number of faithful users fled it. ...