But I only asked, “Why are you shouting at me?” “But I don’t like being treated as though I’m too old.” Both of them feel a bit upset. Have you ever had a similar argument with the people around you? Here are some tips for you to remember when you’re getting mad. ...
Forced rhymes: You can only think of one word that rhymes withlonely, so you force it into your poem even though it makes no sense or interferes with the poem’s focus. Meter mishaps: You can’t find a way to arrange the words so that the meter remains intact.Oh well, you decide, ...
Speaker:the 'voice' of the poem. Some poems are personal and directly addressed to a specific person or group, while others are public and impersonal.The speaker is not necessarily the poem's author, though in the case of 'When You Are Old', it's easy to imagine Yeats himself as...
Sure, the soft sciences/social sciences are worse, but the whole publish or perish has not only led to a lot of “scholarship” that isn’t — look, guys, I was shocked when in class we were told to write a poem. Not everyone can write a poem, okay? Asking for one written on co...
“Toccata” and Charles Parry’s setting of William Blake’s poem “Jerusalem.” The setlist continues with extended performances of almost the entire smashBrain Salad Surgeryalbum, the half-hour “Tarkus” suite (with Greg Lake’s King Crimson co-write “Epitaph” inserted), and a medley of...
And thatveryspecial raisin is a new round of the Lake Projects Online Writing Group, which starts…right…now! The game is the same (eight weeks of hard-core writing accountability — BOOM), as are many of the players, but we have some new-to-the-group writers among us, so please mak...
“OK, time for bed. If you’re up too late you’ll be tired tomorrow… You object?Search your feelings, you know it’s true!” Although that phrase doesn’t work the same magic on my kids as it does on Anakin and Luke. If you read a bunch of fantasy literature back-t0-back you...
It is a really interesting exploration of 21st century life here, and gave me lots of ideas of different places to explore. Tomorrow I leave to go west, I am heading for the Cairngorms, which I am very excited about. I have some park ups for the next few nights, and will hopefully ...
根据第一段倒数3 4行The flower a lonely dandelion(蒲公英) standing against the bright blue sky inspired me.说明A正确。3.D 细节题。根据第二段5 6 7三行The poem was focused around dreaming and after searching I found the perfect picture. The image was painted with blues and greens and purple...