Retainers and Appliances Your immediate impulse might be to take a photo so you can have that classic adult braces before and after shot, but you aren't done just yet. Don't forget to wear your retainer. Orthodontists usually fit you for a retainer to keep your t...
As the device only takes a temperature reading every ten minutes, the potential for under-reporting retainer wear was considered using a calculation to adjust for the number of times the retainers were inserted and removed. The median difference between the adjusted and unadjusted wear times were ...
As the device only takes a temperature reading every ten minutes, the potential for under-reporting retainer wear was considered using a calculation to adjust for the number of times the retainers were inserted and removed. The median difference between the adjusted and unadjusted wear times were ...
Porcelain-metal crowns simulating abutment retainers for removable partial denture clasping were studied to determine the effects of wear to the porcelain surface and possibilities of fracture. Surface profile recordings at x 1,000 were made on the porcelain surfaces before and after subjecting samples...
For frequent removal and resetting of screws and plugs, such as for tool inserts, purge screws, drain/filler plugs, template retainers, and replacement of worn parts. In applications requiring softer screws such as stainless steel or non-ferrous materials. Decades ago, Bristol engineers invented ...
Oliver (Ollie) Jones is a zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia. Originally from the US, he thought he loved coffee before his big move down under, but his discovery of the flat white and the cafe on every corner has taken his coffee passion to a whole new level. He...
Retainers and Appliances Your immediate impulse might be to take a photo so you can have that classic adult braces before and after shot, but you aren't done just yet. Don't forget to wear your retainer. Orthodontists usually fit you for a retainer to keep your ...
Retainers and Appliances Your immediate impulse might be to take a photo so you can have that classic adult braces before and after shot, but you aren't done just yet. Don't forget to wear your retainer. Orthodontists usually fit you for a retainer to keep your ...
Retainers and Appliances Your immediate impulse might be to take a photo so you can have that classic adult braces before and after shot, but you aren't done just yet. Don't forget to wear your retainer. Orthodontists usually fit you for a retainer to keep your t...