Sincerely, Sander Horn Sincerely, truly, or faithfully? Sincerelycan also be replaced with eitherfaithfullyortrulyin formal correspondence. Both these alternatives are supposed to be used when writing to a person you haven’t interacted with before, especially if you addressed them as “Dear Sir or...
31. Where should you put "Mr. " "Mrs. " or “Miss"? A. Before family name. B. After family name. C. After given name.32. What should you end up with if you write to your uncle? A. Yours faithfully. B. With love from. C. Yours sincerely.33. What does the underlined word ...
At the end of an official letter you use “Yours sincerely” if you know the person's name and"Yours faithfully" if you do not. When you address the envelope, be sure to include the postcode, so that the letter will be delivered(递送) as quickly as possible. Finally, do not forget...
Finally, end your email with a classic signoff, like“Yours faithfully,”or“Yours sincerely.”Also, remember to include your contact details:your name, your job title, email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile (optional). To be even more professional, consider creating acustom email ...
If you want to be very formal in closing your business letter, consider using one of these phrases:Respectfully.Yours sincerely.Yours respectfully. What is the Convention regarding the complimentary close? thepart of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly y...
No one responded when Tom was speaking, so he paused ___ before continuing to draw our attention. A.deliberately B.eagerly C.sincerely D.faithfully
3. What should you use to end the letter if you write to your uncle? A. Yours faithfully. B. With love from. C. Yours sincerely. D. Dear Sir. 4. What don't you have to do on the envelope? A. Write down the postcode. B. Put a stamp on the front. C. Write down the addre...
For people you know less well, “Best wishes" or “Kindest regards" may be more appropriate(合适的). At the end of an official letter you use “Yours sincerely" if you know the person's name and "Yours faithfully" if you do not.When you address the envelope, be sure to include the...
aNow, we put "sincerely" if we know the name of the person that we are writing to. But if you don't know the name, the traditional ending is "Yours faithfully". Now, this is the custom in Britain, although it is true to say that not everyone keeps to it, and I think in Americ...