Better Then Vs. Better Than How to Use Better Than How to Use Better Then Examples From Literature Quiz Conclusion You have probably heard “better than” or “better then” many times before – but have you always known whether someone is using “then” or “than”? They sound very ...
If you had taken care of the cat, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. I slept late, so then I woke up dizzy. When to Use Than Making an unequal comparison requires using a particular word in the English language.Thanis the conjunction that expresses a form of comparison in a sent...
There are some sentences that are more difficult than others, but review the rules above, and you’ll always know the right choice. Is vs. are FAQs How do I know when to use is vs. are? Using is or are depends on the subject’s person and number. Basically, subjects that are ...
Write a paragraph from multiple points of view.Try writing about yourself, and use the verb “have” as many times as you can. Then, rewrite the paragraph as though it’s about somebody else. This will force you to practice the difference between “has” and “have.” Summary: “Has” ...
Each sprint is intended to deliver a potentially shippable product, which then allows the team to refine and improve the product based upon feedback. Pros Clear roles: In Scrum, everyone has clear, defined roles. Everyone knows their responsibilities, which improves efficiency and accountability and...
Recently having used MobX, I'm trying to reason about why I'm really using it, and trying to truly understand the pros/cons vs redux and cycle. For redux, I think that it comes down to the fact that most people do not need the number one...
Now that you’ve mastered the basics ofhaveandhas, it’s time to talk about how to use them in combination with other verbs. For every sentence that simply indicates possession (I have a cat), there’s going to be another that usesto havein a more complex way. For example, if you ...
Elaboratively, “while” could be considered more flexible than “when” in certain contexts as it may also be used as a noun, referring to a period of time. "When," meanwhile, doesn’t share this versatility. While "while" offers this duality of use, "when" remains firmly rooted in ...
For example, Clara then addresses Pinchard’s wife: Clara:Voulez-vous faire taire Monsieurvotremari !(Would you makeyourhusband shut up?!) When to Use the Informal Register Here’s who you’ll address withtuand its variants: Children and animals:This rule’s not complicated. If you’re tal...
With any loan product, you canrun the risk of getting into more debtthan you can manage. If you cannot pay off the credit that you use, then your credit score will decline. The lender may also go after your assets or, for example, garnish your wages to get its money back. If a li...