the majority of which are yet to be identified.However,professionals in the field are not alone in their efforts to uncover new species.An enthusiastic community of amateurs has emerged, bridging the gap between professionals and
__ the images on the television screen. ___13___ his radio colleague, he must know the ___14___ of silence and how to use it at those moments ___15___ the pictures speak for themselves.1.[A] turn [B] adapt [C] alter [D] modify [解析]本题考核知识点:动词的搭配 本...
I mean, we’re so used to science and technology that we are not even aware of all the things we use in our daily lives. I would probably choose space satellites. This technology happened in the last hundred years, and it has become important for so many things. Just think about naviga...
Some kids are even allowed to use profane language in front of their parents. 有些父母甚至纵容孩子在自己面前说脏话。 Such casual attitudes about disrespect are at the root of the growing problem America is having with unmannered youth. 由此形成的对礼仪的漠视态度,是导致美国年轻人教养问题日益...
根据第一段的研究结果“The old saying “Use it or lose it” doesn’t appear to be true when it comes to someone’s ability to preserve and use a foreign language, a new study has revealed.”(一项新研究显示,当涉及到一个人保存和使用外语的能力时,“用进废退”这句老话似乎并不正确)可知,...
I have a friend in Australia.I can see her and talk to her on the Internet. –Alice——艾丽丝 我们家里有一台电脑。 We have a computer at home. 我父母不使用它。我可以在周日使用它。 My parents don't ...
B.Ourmusclememory.C.Asimilar-soundingword.D.Thegrammarofthelanguage.(3)WhatcanweinferfromSchmid'swordsinthelastparagraph? ___A.Oneisabletoquicklyandeasilyrelearnalanguage.B.Yearsofusepromisesfluencyinaforeignlanguage.C.Theboringelementsofalanguagecourseareimportant.D.Refresherlessonsarenecessaryinpicking...
Amy: I think we’d better move to an earthquake-proof house. Bill: Smart thinking! MODEL2 Things are a bit out of balance. Script John: The seventh straight day of rain. It’s too much. Things are a bit out of balance. Susan: Yeah, too much rain here, too little there. Last su...
题目1. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keepingour rooms air-conditioned.【译文】即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,电仍在为我们工作:给冰箱供电,把水加热,或使室...
A When you use our university library, there are different learning spaces available so you can decide what is the best for your purpose.Social learning areas We recognize that you can learn from your friends so we've provided social study areas in our library. Here you can discuss your wor...