How do we know when to use nPr and when to use nCr in permutations and combinations problems? The key in distinguishing between permutations and...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a...
However- if you shift-reload the page, the UUID goes back to the original one that was first given on first load. Does this have something to do with items being cached? I can't get it to output a consistent UUID between first load and subsequent loads. (and obviously, the first load...
When running an ajax call to POST to the directus_files table, I get an error: 500 Internal Server Error but the image is still uploaded into my database. The error means I can't run the rest of my program after this call even though the...
Both responded optimistically, but it was difficult to determine whether their responses were a true reflection of affective state or were due to preferences for specific stimuli. Keywords: gorilla; black bear; cognitive bias; ambiguous-cue; learning 1. Introduction The ambiguous-cue paradigm (ACP)...