Learn the difference between em dashes (—) and en dashes (–), with examples and tips on proper usage in this comprehensive punctuation guide.
Use an em dash instead of a colon when you want to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence without giving it all of the connotations that a colon brings. A dash can add “extra” information and is more flexible in this way. It is also less formal than a colon. *Using the dash ins...
En dash: Thirty–six people came to the party. The first example is correct, but the second one is not. How to use a hyphen correctly When a compound modifier, also known as a phrasal adjective, appears before the noun it is modifying, hyphens are often used between the words in the...
Its alphabetical cousin, the en dash, is about the same width as the letter n. Figuratively speaking, the hyphen pulled the short end of the stick. Use em dashes to set off parenthetical information Em dashes are often used to set off parenthetical information. Using em dashes instead of ...
Hyphen, en dash and em dash: What’s the difference? It's easy to confuse the em dash with it's close relatives the hyphen and en dash. To put it simply: The hyphen is shortest of all and is used to connect multiple words that work together as a single concept: My mother-in-law...
I like to go to the library; there are always so many excellent books there. You should bring a toothpaste for hygiene; a bottle of water for hydration; a waterproof coat in case it rains; and a snack to eat whilst en route. Dashes You can use dashes (more commonly known as em dash...
A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that is used to link words that function together in a sentence or phrase.
When to use a hyphen instead of a comma? When to use commas with names When shouldn't you use a question mark? When to use an apostrophe in a last name? When to use an Oxford comma When to use a comma with such as When to use an en dash When to use colon vs comma When to ...
In this blog post I would like to share my knowledge on “When to use Webhook” According to my knowledge you simply should not configure Webhook in Event Mesh What is
Em dash:— En dash: – Double hyphen: ⸗ Theem dash(—) is a super versatile punctuation mark. Here are all the different ways you can use one: Interject or abruptly change the subject Offset an appositive that contains commas