Hat denn Ihne die Möglichkeit gar nicht eingefallen, daß Sie sich in diesem Forum eigentlich mit deren Besitzer unterhalten? Yes, it came to my mind that the owner of the website could be "Gator Soup" the first time I saw "Gator" pointing to it...
German Patent DE3600301 Kind Code: A1 Abstract: The invention relates to a device for detecting when a barrel has been completely filled and for terminating the filling process when filling has been completed. To achieve this, a filling head with a pusher rod is connected to the barrel ...
TRUE Word German, I agree with you 100%. Interestingly Vladimir Putin Of Russia has just cancelled his visit to the G-8 meeting at Camp David this month stating that he is too busy selecting his new Cabinet. Truth is, the Vlad knows it’s just more BS talk while NATO the enforcer ...