Robust estimate of variance was used for SMRW weighting when \(n=300\), rather than bootstrapping, due to the importance of convergence problems that made it impratical to compute it Full size image Revisited motivating example Methods We applied similar methods as in the simulation study. ...
Any valid nonparametric bootstrap procedure must account for the grouping structure in the data. In the setting of a simple linear regression, one nonparametric bootstrap method proposed by Efron 1979, Efron 1982 is the bootstrap based on residuals. In this procedure, the bootstrap data set is...
Wild bootstrapWe consider the double functional regression model Y = r ( X ) + ε , where the response variable Y is Hilbert space-valued and the covariate X takes values in a pseudometric space. The data satisfy an ergodicity criterion which dates back to Laib and Louani (2010) and ...
We used the bootstrapping approach implemented in the macro with 5,000 bootstrapping resamples. Table 4 presents the results for H1 and H2. The model for the direct association between symbolized moral identity and perceived corporate hypocrisy was significant (F = 4.18, p < 0.001, ...
P.S. I saw there was a link to the integration tests after bootstrapping my own project and working on the complete implementation 🤦. I would have worked on the original repo otherwise, sorry. spring-projects-issuesaddedstatus: feedback-providedFeedback has been providedand removedstatus: ...
(2) Bias-corrected Accelerated Bootstrap (BCa): if you want to use bootstrapping to estimate confidence intervals "the right way" then this is your tool. It will allow you to use the bootstrapped distribution to perform hypothesis testing. The calculation here is a little uglier, so I wo...
If the host's libstdc++ version is too old using ci-llvm may result in an ABI mismatch between the local libstdc++ and This PR adds a sanity check to immediately fail at the beginning of the bootstrap before starting the actual build. I am not sure if '8' is the best...
The bootstrap methodology is used to construct confidence intervals for the regression coefficients in a time series with linear trend. The residuals are assumed to follow an AR(1) or MA(1) process. The behaviour of the confidence level of the intervals are studied by simulation for a variety...
The bootstrapping results confirmed that team mindfulness had a significant impact on team resilience via team emotional support (indirect effect = 0.07, 95% CI = [0.015, 0.127]). The mediating role of information sharing in this context was nonsignificant (indirect effect = 0.02,...
A mediation analysis using 5000 bootstrapping samples [48] was conducted to examine the proposed mediation model, with multidimensional state boredom as the predictor, self-efficacy as the mediator, and cheating behaviors as the outcome. SeeFigure 1. The results showed that the effects of state ...