Code Issues Pull requests A BDD framework to help write tests in a fluent way, reusing givens, whens and thens. tdd test bdd junit then fluent yatpsec given when Updated Sep 14, 2023 Java zhengzehong / condition Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests 函数式条件判断语法,用于替代if else、...
upgrade-angular-from-1.2-to-1.3 upgrade-cypress-v9-to-v12 upload-your-images-to-cypress-cloud url-type use-a-little-bit-of-fp use-async-await-in-cypress-specs use-cypress-for-api-testing use-github-instead-of-npm use-javascript-functor-today use-lenses-in-hyperapp use-...
Using behave testing framework in pycharm, I have a feature file like below. There is test step function definition for each above test step, but the question is when try to navigate the test function from test step in the fe...
Yes, Spring Security can be complex, from the more advanced functionality within the Core to the deep OAuth support in the framework. I built the security material as two full courses - Core and OAuth, to get practical with these more complex scenarios. We explore when and how to use each...
We have several cell types that use SwiftUI views and I haven't been able to isolate the issue to any particular cell type. I have tried setting contentConfiguration = nil in prepareForReuse but this didn't help. Has there been a change in UICollectionView/UIHostingConfiguration in iOS 18?
With a closer understanding of the difference between left and right shift in testing, it’s easy to reframe the question of “shift left vs shift right”. Shift right testing does not replace shift left testing. They complement each other. You’re meant to use both in order to give users...
Hi everyone I'm trying to add extensions in Azure CLI with the command: az extension add --name subscription however I get the following message: An error occurred. Pip failed with status code 1. Use --debug for more information. Here the debug…
7 com.adobe.dvacore.framework 0x0000000115410123 dvacore::threads::(anonymous namespace)::LaunchThread(std::string const&, boost::function0<void> const&, dvacore::threads::ThreadPriority, boost::function<void ()> const&, boost::function<void ()> const&) + 115 8 com.adobe.b...
I use third-part lib 'OpenCombine', I'm not sure if this is related. It’s hard to say, but I’m not against all third-party libraries, just those that mess with the crash reporter (-: I still see the same crash when removed kscrash lib Not a surprise. Please post a fresh crash...
I have thousands of folders full of photography on a Windows server that I need to view. Almost every one crashes halfway through viewing. Adobe needs to re-think the whole caching thing. The best search and viewing programs do not use caching at all, and are fast and...