Instead of the simple linear regression model\texttt {lm}(Y\sim Z), it is often natural to add covariate information in the assessment of the treatment effect and consider the linear model as\texttt {lm}(Y\sim Z + \textbf{X}). This is the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) method, intro...
I was hoping to use ANCOVA to compare a battery of neuropsychological tests in carriers vs non-carriers, controlling for age, gender and education level and I have three questions about that which I was hoping you could help me with. Firstly, do I have to demean the covariates, before fe...
A one-way between-groups ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) was conducted to understand whether NFT during browsing had an effect on respondents' User Engagement when using IIT. The Levene's test of equality oferror variancesshowed that we did not violate assumptions; our variances were not equal ...
Instead of the simple linear regression model\(\texttt {lm}(Y\sim Z)\), it is often natural to add covariate information in the assessment of the treatment effect and consider the linear model as\(\texttt {lm}(Y\sim Z + \textbf{X})\). This is the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) ...
(-\)3.76, 12.99],p= .552. To check whether the a-priori difference in prior knowledge for the CLT text influenced the effect of the reading instructions on the dependent measures, we calculated ANCOVAs. More concretely, we performed two ANCOVAs with instruction group as independent variable,...
(type of risk encouragement by peers: positive vs. negative vs. none) between-subjects design. To measure susceptibility to peer influence, we use a risk-taking task with a virtual peer paradigm as this enables standardization of peer influence. It has been shown that this paradigm yields ...
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of change from baseline was employed to assess the effect of programme on improvement while controlling for demographic variables. ANOVA of change scores was employed rather than analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with pre-course score as a covariate. This was because a ...
The number of attempts to provide students is a key instructional characteristic in computer-based learning (CBL). However, it has not been covered extensively, and there is a need to delve deeper into the factors affecting multiple-try performance and allowing its successful use, including the ...