A hyphen comes between words with the aim of combining them — telling readers they’re one unit. You’ll learn more of when to use a hyphen below. An en dash shows a range in dates and numbers. Lastly, an em dash is used in place of comma, parenthesis, and colons. It helps write...
Depending on the sentence, a hyphen “-” is apunctuation markused directly between words to join or link them together. In addition to their true name, a hyphen, they can also be described as “dashes.” How Can You Use Hyphens? Even though they are pretty straightforward in theory, hy...
A hyphen is a bit of punctuation used to join two (or more) different words. There are 4 situations in which you should use a hyphen between two words: 1) In numbers between 21 and 99 (twenty-one) 2) With some prefixes (self-motivated) 3) Between many compound words (life-size) 4...
I need to generate documents with German strings that tend to be quite long. Before generating the html I separate words into syllables and add soft hyphens. Consider the following example: <table class="table table-bordered"> <thead> <t...
When do you use apostrophes around words? When to use an apostrophe after 's' Where to put quotation marks and punctuation? When to use a semicolon When to use a colon Where does the period go when using quotation marks? When would you use an ellipsis?
Punctuation refers to using punctuation marks systematically in a sentence or sentences to enhance clarity and meaning. Examples of punctuation marks are full stop, exclamation marks, question marks, apostrophes, ellipsis, quotation marks, dash, a h...
When we speak, we make our meaning clear by the expression that we put into our words and sentences. Some sentences we say all in one breath and with not much change in emphasis from one word to the next. We may be pretty sure that such a sentence is short and simpl...
Hyphen, en dash and em dash: What’s the difference? It's easy to confuse the em dash with it's close relatives the hyphen and en dash. To put it simply: The hyphen is shortest of all and is used to connect multiple words that work together as a single concept: My mother-in-law...
need string part after second hyphen? Need table count, index count, views count, procedures count for all databases Need to Capitalize the First Letter ONLY, and leave the rest lower case. Help please. Need to combine month and year to get date YYYY-MM-DD format Need to convert a NVARC...
Separate words in ID and class names by a hyphen. Do not concatenate words and abbreviations in selectors by any characters (including none at all) other than hyphens, in order to improve understanding and scannability. /* Not recommended: does not separate the words “demo” and “image” ...