Instead, the rule is to hyphenate when doing so makes the sentence’s meaning clearer. Here are a few examples of hyphenated compound modifiers before nouns: It’s recommended you don’t take down any load-bearing walls when renovating. My seventeen-year-old car is still running well. Zev...
When to hyphenate up to date Hyphen:In English, a hyphen is a punctuation mark used to connect words. In dictionary entries, the hyphen is used to show where the syllables of words are separated.Answer and Explanation: Hyphenate the phrase up to date when it is used as an adjective. For...
Pro tip:Hyphenate all words starting with the prefix self except self psychology. • Hyphens also join words with a suffix Like prefixes, suffixes join with other words with the help of hyphens. However, these come toward the end of words. Examples: • Child-like • Shy-type • New...
Explaining the everyday words and English grammar points that can cause most confusion Hyphensin English When are hyphens needed ? To hyphenate or not to hyphenate? That is the question. - Is a stand, or a small kiosk, where newspapers are sold known as : ...
When we talk about how adjectives are used in a sentence, we say that the adjectivemodifiesordescribesthe noun. Adjectivesare sometimes confused withadverbs, since both are used to provide additional information about other words.Adjectives always modify nouns. Adverbs, on the other hand, modify ve...
aWhen you find a new word.make sure that you read the whole sentence.Try to work out whatkind of word it is(noun,adjective,verb,etc).Then use the words before and after that to help you guess the meaning. 当您发现一个新的词确信,您读整体句子。设法制定出它是词的whatkind (名词、形容...
When to use a comma with 'or' When do you use a comma in a compound sentence? What is an article in parts of speech? When to use 'such as' in a sentence Is 'if' a preposition? Is 'while' a prepositional phrase? When to hyphenate adjectives Is 'while' a linking verb? When not...
Spell out any number that would only take one or two words to write. Those two-word numbers? Hyphenate them, e.g., ninety-nine. Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence. However you choose to handle writing out numbers in your work, stay consistent throughout. There should be ...
When to use a period in a sentence Is 'if' an adverb? When to use a dash Is 'when' a preposition? When to use commas with a conjunction What is syntax in the English language? When to hyphenate adjectives When to use an apostrophe after 's' Whenever we use "neither" in a sentence...
When to hyphenate age?Question:When to hyphenate age?Hyphenation:The hyphen is a punctuation mark generally used to affix words. The common uses of a hyphen include: forming compound adjectives, spelling out fractions, and expressing a person's age. There should be no space before or after a...