"Two to three days after getting my second Pfizer vaccine I developed an itchy rash about the size of a baseball at the injection site. Was this an allergic reaction and is it safe for me to get the booster?"-Debbie This is a relatively common side effect of the COVID vaccines and is...
Folks might want to try timing their COVID-19 booster vaccine to coincide with a period of increased transmission in their area, a new study suggests. Doing so
How do you know when you should get tested for the coronavirus? The time it takes to get test results back depends on where you go and which test is administered. Here's what we know about COVID-19 testing now.
Introduction:With the large-scale roll-out of the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)booster vaccination effort(a vaccine dose given 6 months after completing primary vaccination)in China,we explore when and how China could lift non-pharmacological interventions(NPIs)against COVID-19 in 2022.Methods...
Dr. Mallika Marshall is answering your questions on when those over 65 should get their next COVID booster.
Questions about COVID-19 vaccine boosters—like who is eligible and how to choose one—have dominated scientific discussions, news headlines, and dinner-table conversations recently, but the practice of giving our immune systems periodic "refreshers" is
“I created a website calledProtocolKills.com. This came after I was in the hospital with COVID. In the process of going to the hospital, I was denied informed consent and was completely unaware of some of the things they were doing to me. I was given five rounds of remdesivir, which...
Can I get my flu shot and COVID-19 booster at the same time? Yes, you can and should get yourflu shot and COVID-19 boosterat the same time, says Schaffner. After asummer surge of COVID-19in the U.S. driven bythe FLiRT variants, officials are encouraging Americans to get theupdate...
Understanding COVID-19 immunity How long does it take for antibodies to develop after the COVID-19 vaccine? Once you receive the vaccine, your body starts developing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus) pretty quickly, Watkins said. But those antibodies build over time. “It’s...
—has made it clear that, even if you’ve had covid or been fully vaccinated and boosted, there’s a chance you’re going to get sick with the virus over and over again. depending on the variant you’ve been infected with in the past, a new variant could potentially evade established...