When the soil sticks in your hand and you can form it into a ball, it is moist enough. But, if it barely holds together in the palm of your hand, or if the surface looks hard, baked, or cracked, it is probably dry, and it’s time to water. See if the soil isdry an inch b...
garlic and onion: Assuming it’s a dry day when harvest comes, onions can be left out to dry right beside the rows you dug them from. Not so with garlic, which should be moved out of direct sunlight immediately once unearthed. Move it to a garage or porch or shed where the air circ...
No, baby carrots don’t count. Homegrown carrots are fresher, crisper, and prettier. Knowing when to plant carrot seeds allows you to experience the process of growing your own food and appreciating them more when you harvest them. The carrot growing season isn’t too different no matter wher...
and T6treatments (35.96, 34.27, 33.58, 33.07 g respectively), while the lowest fresh weights were recorded in T0(21.48 g) and T5(24.24 g). The roots were weighed after drying in the oven and the highest root dry weights were found in T7, T3, T4, and T1treatments. The lowest dry we...
single seedling into its own pot or plug. Sowing into a single container can also be useful for sowing very tiny seeds such as basil or easy-to-transplant flower seeds. For easy, cool-season crops—everything from onions to celery to cabbage—you can sow multiple seeds in the same ...
For most plants, stop watering about 1 -3 days prior to harvest. Ideally, soil should be relatively dry, but plants should not be so thirsty they wilt or droop. Planning a gardening calendar is exciting – and a planting calendar takes some of the guesswork out of the process, so it ca...
Here is the go-to planting guide issued by the great people at Texas Agri-life, one for spring and one for fall. The hard truth of North Texas is that it gets brutal hot here in the summer. A string of dry, 100° days limits to what you can grow here. ...
Plant in-ground potatoes two weeks after the last freeze in your location. This isalso a good time to plant onions. When planting in containers, you may be able to move the planting date ahead a few weeks because the soil heats quickly when exposed to sunlight above ground. Prepare to co...
Denmark! Caulfield posits that barriers to social mobility limit options to the point where people start to see celebrity as the only attainable option. After all, look at all the famous dum-dums! Because it seems like a lot when all you read is People magazine. Can’t be that hard, ...
Also, I learned to make my own veggie burgers with beans, say black combined with a red, add onions whatever you like, and fry lightly. Milk, there is also Alta Dena and Swiss that is hormone free as well. For those who love Trader Joes, be careful as much of their food has soy ...