Before you conduct overseeding to thicken your lawn, you have to mow the current lawn first. Make sure that the grass height is significantly low because the new grass seedlings need room to grow. The established grass still needs its own share of water and nutrients, so it should bemowedf...
Reseeding the lawn compensates for the slowed growth and rejuvenates the look of your lawn. If you reseed everythree to four yearsyou re-establish the lawn before it begins to thin out. This ensures the lawn stays thick and dense, which prevents weeds from invading. How much topsoil Do I...
Another option is to water your grass around 6 p.m. However, this is risky because without the sun to dry the water on your grass blades, your lawn can become an easy target for diseases and pests. To mitigate the risks, opt for using adrip irrigation system. It targets the grassroots...
Although established grass doesn’t require much water, new grass is a different story. In a newly seeded cool-season lawn, the top 1.5 inches of soil should be kept moist (not soggy) for five to 10 days, which is how long the germination period lasts. If you have warm-season grass, ...
This no-interference strategy preserves local plant genotypes that are best adapted to conditions of a given area. It decreases chances of drought-induced losses, as self-seeded woody plants are more likely to withstand extreme weather. It minimizes the risk of accidentally importing nonnative organis...
Wait 2-4 days after mowing before applying. This protects your grass and helps ensure the weeds are actively growing. It also allows some of the leaves on the weeds to grow that may have been cut during mowing. Don’twater the lawnfor two-four days after application. (Which means you ...