the same explosion of choice is true.Health care. It is no longer the case in the United States that you go to the doctor, and the doctor tells you what to do. Instead, you go to the doctor, and the doctor tells you, "Well, we could do A, or...
3. book (熟义:书) v. 预定,预购 I would like to book three seats for tonight's concert. 我想预定今晚音乐会的三个座位。 4.beat (熟义:击打) v. ① (心脏) 跳动 He is alive---his heart is still beating. 他还活着---心脏还在跳动。 ② 打败 He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。
3.状语从句:例如 He will go to the doctor`s when it is sunny.当天晴时,他就会去看医生.此时when引导状语,意思是“当...时候”. 4.主语从句:例如When he left here is a question.他上面时候离开这儿的还没有人知道.此时when引导主语从句,意思是“什么时候” 附:由“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 1...
新概念英语Diana胡金铭主讲第1册Lesson63: Thank you, doctor.新概念英语Diana胡金铭主讲第1册Lesson62: What's the matter with them? What..新概念英语Diana胡金铭主讲第1册Lesson61: A bad cold新概念英语Diana胡金铭主讲第1册...
3. book (熟义:书) v. 预定,预购 I would like to book three seats for tonight’s concert. 我想预定今晚音乐会的三个座位。 4.beat (熟义:击打) v. ① (心脏) 跳动 He is alive---his heart is still beating. 他还活着---心脏还在跳动。
c) the woman should have seen the doctor earlier. d) the woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor. 6.a) help the woman move the items. b) hurry to n’s office. c) help move things to n’s office. d) put off his appointment with n. 7.a) the man should not dream...
so I’ll meet you there 10 minutes later. Have fun! Mom 【1】Why won’t Sammy’s mother go to the Sports Center with him? A. Because she has a meeting. B. Because she has to go to work. C. Because she has to see a doctor. D. Because she has to go swimming. 【2】Sammy ...
手术刀无以施展的地方,唯有温暖的话语能抵达。When there is no place for scalpel, words are the surgeon's only tool. Brain 与mind大概是物质与意识的一种具体体现。孰先孰后,难以说得清。在每次行开颅手术前,Paul都会花时间去真正了解患者的思想,了解他的身份认同、价值观念,活下去的意义。这样在遇到两难...
to recognize that there is no longer any such thing (with the possible exception of such scribbling as society and club news) as "local" news, because any event in the international area has a local reaction in manpower draft, in economic strain, in terms, indeed, of our very way of ...
C. A doctor.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long will Mr. White’s talk last A. About a quarter. B. About half an hour. C. About an hour.18. Who will give information about the courses A. The director of studies. B. The student adviser. C. The principal....