the warm weather sedu the warner-lambert co the warren court and the watchmen the water meter compo the water supply fail the water supply prob the water-sealed cave the waters the waters of life the wattmeter connect the waves may roll the way i feel was pr the way i need to be the...
I spent $13 mailing a bike water bottle worth $2 to Hong Kong! Yes, I am THAT anal. But Pat really wanted a pull-top water bottle. “Remember those palmolive dishwashing liquid bottles?” he asked me. When Pat takes his dog for walks in Tsimshatsui, he rinses the spot where Brownie ...
However, closer to the burst of a bubble, I assume we will such vaporization across multiple industries, first and foremost of the me-too, also-ran variety. So, the meal-kit industry appears to be going through an individual upheaval, truly sorrowful for the employees who work(ed) in it....
She photographed under fire and bombardment amid the blood and gore of the French battlefields, taking unflinching shots of amputations and makeshift surgery in field hospitals, the piles of rotting bodies in the brutal disease-ridden hell hole that was the newly liberated death camp at Dachau. ...
It took us 11 hours to reach Puri with lunch and tea breaks in between. The highways were amazing, although some diversions played with our patience. But the drive was scenic and totally worth it. On my earlier sojourns in Puri we have gone on cycle rides and late-night walks on the ...
only to find it both unmanned and out of water. I was pretty much running in the middle of the pack, so I can only imagine how much worse it got for the runners behind me in the typical south Florida humidity that never seems to go away. Now I know how difficult it can be to fi...
politics, the show’s performance-driven parade of characters and recurring bits more likely to kick against established TV norms than political ones. Still, there are times when a singularly biting satirical piece breaks throughSNLand founding producer Lorne Michaels’ more middle-of-the-road ...
Just to make sure there’s enough mud in the water for maximum clarity. As a result, you can’t do direct comparison between the feds and the sum of the states. Same issue crops up in “infant mortality” comparisons between countries. Defining terms is always the first step. suburban...
I’m still just so in love with the Levitate 2s (you can read my review here). The extra bounce was very needed the day after my track workout! Six miles @ 8:33 average pace and once again, my hands were cold for my run. Maybe I’m going to need to start
water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set called enough almost end took government night yet system better four told nothing eyes city president going present why point didn't look find room asked social second next later group knew business program half...