I show up, stand up and speak out for those who can’t do it for themselves. Sometimes it seems near impossible to ride the waves without drowning. That’s when the dream message comes in handy. How do you measure love? Is it a mere emotion? My take is that it is a ...
An outdoor group activity such as snow biking is best enjoyed together, so sharing stories with fellow snow bike riders will give birth to new ideas. Conclusion Snow biking with Timbersled broadens your horizon into wilderness and a plethora of senses. From the shattering beauty of the sights, ...
I’ve been seeing a meme floating around that says “the things that helped you survive get in your way when it’s time to thrive.” There’s a lot of truth to that, and not just in terms of emotions. When it’s a physical injury Here’s one way it might look when it’s a p...
Kentslammed her exes’ claimsthat she convinced Childers to accuse him of abuse. “When the day comes that you crash and burn, you can try to blame everyone around you for your demise,” she wrote via her Instagram Story at the time. “And not if, but when that day comes ...
If they were actually “guaranteed to win” that would be irrelevant; the handlers behind the scenes, abetted by the MSM, Hollywood. et al, would still be running the country. And is what comes out of Que Mala’s mouth any better? dep729 says: August 20, 2024 at 1:50 pm All they...
Proverbs 23:3 sn Verses 1-3 form the sixth saying about being cautious before rulers (cf. Instruction of Amememope, chap. 23, 23:13-18). One should not get too familiar with rulers, for they always have ulterior motives. The Mishnah cites Gamaliel as warning that a ruler only draws ...
The neighborhood ladies gather to receive a delivery of crabs for their restaurants, and of course Dong-baek is still the topic of discussion. Chan-sook muses that all hell will break loose when Deok-soon finds out about her son and Dong-baek. It’s one thing being friends with someone;...
In its simplest definition, amemeis a funny image, video, or text that’s shared throughout the internet. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” in 1976, originally referring to a unit of cultural information spread by imitation. Those units could consist of phrases...
After all, can’t mature adults clearly tell the difference between fantasy and reality?Can’t we naturally avoid being unduly influenced by the fantasy?Last week, we looked at two considerations in answer to that question:1) Criticisms from outside the bubble of modern western Christian culture...
But the fact is this: no one has ever produced an iota of evidence that Hillary has behaved improperly because of a campaign contribution. No one has produced a scintilla of proof that there is a quid pro quo when it comes to her speaking fees. From Whitewater to Benghazi to her emails...