When the Summer Ends-Savoir Adore播放量:15.3万 在手机上播举报68 视频简介 Savoir Adore发行时间:2018-09-28评论共68条评论 说说你的看法吧 剩余300字 发表评论 精彩评论 月下弦 2019年1月20日 00:18 陌生人,愿你有一个灿烂的前程愿你有情人终成眷属愿你在尘世获得幸福我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开 167回复...
Can we still pretend when the summer ends Nothing needs to hurt I'll wait I have learned How to love you when the summer ends Will you love me when the summer ends What happens next is a moment Time is a picture of you Looking at me it's a poem where everything's new Everything...
“你为什么满身黑暗还想着给别人一点温暖.”歌曲:【When the Summer Ends (Acoustic)】歌手:【Savoir Adore】歌曲来源:https://music.163.com/song?id=1377007805&userid=1874013392封面来源(pixiv):C丶*封面、歌曲仅作分享,请支持原版*(如有侵权,告知会立即删
《When the Summer Ends》 Sean_Dream 10.7万 116 “歌在前面跑,词在后面追”||《Understand》 白日梦飞車 9.8万 21 “欢快的节奏响起,诉说着盛夏的故事”||《summer playlist (Explicit)》 是青橘啦 3.2万 1 “放假,就该听这样开心的歌”||《Good Day》 橘子不是青柠 9.5万 112 “古灵精怪的一...
When the summer ends Do you think the tides know where they might go Before they move are they scared too Are they scared Do you think the moon would fall into the sea If it pulled on the world as hard as your love's pulled on me Will you hold my hand will you understand...
When the summer ends Do you think the tides know where they might go Before they move are they scared too Are they scared Do you think the moon would fall into the sea If it pulled on the world as hard as your love's pulled on me Will you hold my hand will you understand...