When the stars fall(群星坠落时) 作词:马玉 作曲:马玉 编曲:迷雾浴场 制作人:马玉 吉他:马一骏/马玉 合成器:马玉 贝斯:张雨芃 鼓:田丰韬 录音鼓手:陶俊杰 和声:田斯斯 录音:郝博宁@S.A.G/伊乐齐@S.A.G/韩宽@S.A.G 混音:郝博宁@S.A.G 母带:郝博宁@S.A.G 录音棚:S.A...
迷雾浴场首张专辑先行单曲《When the stars fall》上线 近日,由S.A.G海葵计划出品发行,迷雾浴场编曲,马玉担任制作人,王晨雨监制的单曲《When the stars fall (群星坠落时)》正式在QQ音乐和网易云音乐上线。 迷雾浴场是一支2020年夏天成立于海边的独立乐队,由四名身高错落有致、年龄呈发散分布的朴素男人组成。音乐风...
Oh, when the drums begin to bang,当鼓声敲起的时候 Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call,当号角吹响的时候 Oh, when the moon turns red with blood,当月亮的颜色变成血红的时候 Oh, when the stars fall from the sky,当星...
Conut - A night when the stars fall - Single AR刘夫阳, Q.luv & 阿克江 - 人生如戏 - Single Broccoli you too - The early tropical nights - EP MoonBus 月巴 - Room 852 (feat. Warren Lo) - Single MoonBu...
I just want to see you when the sun goes down It's as simple as that I just want to see you when the sun goes down No more than that When the stars fall into the dawn I'll be stirring in your arms Come the morning when I'm ...
Recent evidence shows that the dialectic between exoticism and aesthetic blues is still active in representations of the South of the United States that move between sound memories and imagination, as highlighted by the recent exhibition When the Stars Begin to Fall (Studi...
Oh, when the stars fall from the sky,当星星从天空中落下的时候 这几句描绘的都是圣经新约《启示录》中世界末日的景象。“星星从天空中落下”似乎在描绘一场壮观的流星雨。根据史蒂芬·金小说改编的美国电视剧《穹顶之下》,就用到了这个意象。 歌词中的marching in(列队进入),指的是“进入天堂的大门”。歌词...