An interview with musician and writer Anas Mitchell about her album "Hadestown" is presented. When asked about her inspiration for retelling the Greek myth of Orpheus in the album, she cites the film "Black Orpheus." According to Mitchell, Eurydice, wife of Orpheus, opted for the underworld ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《Vol. 17 爱情与面包 When the Chips Are Down (Hadestown)》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
Vol. 17 爱情与面包 When the Chips Are Down (Hadestown) 2020-03-20 20:12:3513:558075 所属专辑:音乐剧怎么听?每晚一首入心好歌 声音简介 当你的筹码所剩无几,你要如何与这个世界较量。它像是一首炽烈的命运舞曲,咄咄追问着让我们无言以对的问题:生活的压力,生命的尊严,哪一个重要。
When the Chips Are Down - from "Hadestown" 音乐剧《冥界》的基于古希腊神话中Orpheus 和Eurydice 的故事改编而成,2019年托尼奖最佳音乐剧奖。音乐和编曲都「吊诡」到难以想象~#WE MUSICAL##音乐剧[超话]# 3条评论 同时转发评论 按热度 按时间 _BaTer:@音乐剧bot Hadestown 1-30 00:40 0 luigi...
When the Chips are Down ("Songbird vs. rattlesnake...") [Intro]André De Shields,Hadestown Original Broadway Company,Anaïs Mitchell Why We Build the Wall ("Behind closed doors...") [Outro]André De Shields,Hadestown Original Broadway Company,Anaïs Mitchell Wait for Me ("Hey, the big ...
Vol. 17 爱情与面包 When the Chips Are Down (Hadestown) 2020-03-20 20:12:3513:558451 所属专辑:音乐剧怎么听?每晚一首入心好歌 声音简介 当你的筹码所剩无几,你要如何与这个世界较量。它像是一首炽烈的命运舞曲,咄咄追问着让我们无言以对的问题:生活的压力,生命的尊严,哪一个重要。