Hi, I am new this forum. Apologise if the question has been asked before: When submitting a claim as a proxy, if sent back by the cost approver or processor, will the proxy be notified? Thanks, KatrinAffects Me Too 0 Kudos Reply ...
These policies vary widely by issuer and card, so be sure to read the specific policy of the card you used to purchase the trip before submitting a claim. (Note: This coverage is generally secondary, meaning the issuer will pay outafteryou receive compensation from the airline.) ...
What Information Should You Provide When Submitting an Appeal Do take note that if it appears yourOrigin account is banned, but you have not received an email from EA, there could be a specific game that has banned or suspended your account. Some games like Need for Speed No Limits, Ultima...
A-Z Claim Granted For Full order even though Buyer clearly stated they are only missing 1 item! The buyer had mentioned they were ONLY missing one item when submitting the A-Z claim. We had been communicating with them and confirmed they received 3 out of the 4 tires they ordered. They...
I have a buyer that didn't receive a book i sold her. Tracking shows "carrier delay" or something 1 month ago. How do i refund her without losing money on this? Isn't the "Claim Protected" supposed to handle this when the item is not delivered? Am I supposed to do something or ...
Orbiton might be a good fit for: Writing git commit messages (usingEDITOR=o git commit). EditingREADME.mdandTODO.mdfiles. Writing Markdown and then exporting to HTML or PDF. Learning programming languages, like Rust or Zig. Editing files deep within larger Go or C++ projects. ...
aThe Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Novartis, its affiliates, joint venture, research collaborators and their respective directors, officers, employees and subcontractors (collectively, the “Indemnitees”) harmless from and against any loss, expense, suit, damage or claim suffered...
The key difference between a tax invoice and a general invoice is the tax information provided, specifically the GST (Goods and Services Tax) information. A tax invoice shows the exact amount of tax to be paid by the purchaser, and allows them to claim tax credit when submitting their taxes...
Can I say, "Patent Pending," before submitting a patent application? No. You are misleading the public if you put a patent pending notice on any product that does not have a patent application submitted to the USPTO. If the government finds out, you can be sued and be liable for damages...
If you receive error messages when submitting a page, use your screen reader to navigate heading level 4 to move between questions with error messages. SurveyMonkey surveys don't use heading levels 5 & 6. Feedback SurveyMonkey is dedicated to helping people create surveys that are accessible. ...