You're best off evolving Jigglypuff atlevel 29, when it knows Rest, or level 34 when it has learned Body Slam. Note that you need a Moon Stone to evolve Jigglypuff. Like with Clefairy and Clefable, Jigglypuff's most powerful feature is its high amount of HP. When should you evolve Clef...
they can all feel identical once you get enough upgrades, making each playthrough not feel as distinct as they should’ve been. Fortunately, that second point looks to be rectified in the upcoming
Why should you care about Pokémon Go nests? Nests are great for several reasons: If you need specific Pokémon or type of Pokémon to complete a Field Research task, like Ghost types for the Mew quest, or Grass or Psychic types for Celebi, it's much more efficient to find a nest than...