When you’ll save money You should consider filing a car insurance claim whenever your out-of-pocket costs would extend past your deductible. Reminder:your deductibleis the amount you’ll pay out of pocket when you file certain claim types, like comprehensive or collision. For example, if you...
Although every car insurance company has its own procedures, it should be fairly simple to contact the company and begin the process to end your coverage. However, note that every state does have regulations regarding when you should surrender your license plates (if you’re not getting a new...
A suggestion, in this case, is that instead of dropping to a liability-only policy, keep your collision and comprehensive coverage and shop for cheaper insurance. You can’t predict if you’re going to have a collision. But, you can shop around for affordable rates you can lock in. You ...
And if you are someone who doesn’t usually pick up your own child, you REALLY should be doing this. For the record, we might be the only family who only occasionally picks up our kid (there is one kid who is never picked up by her family, she always goes with someone else – ...
So, when should you consider paying a credit card annual fee? Whether you’re eyeing a Visa, Mastercard, or American Express product, use these considerations to decide. 1. You’re Just Beginning Your Credit Journey Credit card issuers look warily upon applicants with limited credit histories. ...
Yes everyone should be socially responsible and treat others equally. However, when your gender, sexuality and race become the main focal point of your job in government, it will clearly take a back seat to the tasks at hand - namely your job. California suffers from this. Everything in ...
You should consider whether the advice is suitable for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire the product, please read the PDS, FSG & TMD contained in your quote. If you purchase protection from Cover Genius, the company receives a commission...
In this video, which is our most viewed video of March, our master technician shows you how to replace the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor on a Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth 2.7L. More videos New Product Idea Portal Do you have an idea for a part that we should offer? We want to hear ...
Contact the lien holder, which is the company that leased you the car. Notify them that the car has been totaled, and ask what the current payout is for the car. You should be able to determine this information from your leasing contract as well, but you will want to confirm the exact...
While we went on to enjoy our weekend, spending time in the outdoors, I thought I’d share a few things you should know in the event of an accident. What should you do if you’re traveling and involved in an accident? Here are a few tips to keep in mind in the event that you ...