When to start potty training is one of the most common questions parents have. Check out our resources about when to start potty training.
Potty training for boys The most common difference between potty training boys and girls is that boys have the opportunity to stand to pee. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should teach them to pee standing up right away. In fact, it will make the process much more efficient...
knowledgeable about the potty, but anytime I broach the subject of him learning to use the potty, he tells me adamantly that he doesn’t want to so I keep pushing it off. Should I try to do it anyway with extra motivation (and will probably require a little push) or should I keep ...
Girls are quicker than boys when it comes to potty trainingThompson, June
It’s natural for parents to wonder about the number of words their little one can say, and a common question is, “How many words should a 12-month-old say?” It's important to remember that each child develops differently. It could be around this age when your child begins to use ...
So I think for this child : 1.material for earlier steps needs to be regularly refreshed so child will be interested in working with ‘old’ concepts in new ways. 2. Occasional bridge work (forays) into more advanced work should be used, and allowed, but not to the point that child is...
As I shared this story with my husband, we were reminded of Proverbs 22:6 which says, “Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We pray that both our boys will come to know Christ at a young age and have a personal relati...
In reflecting back on my life as a full-time working commuting mom, I realized or should I say I self-admitted that life was easier then during weeks like this one where I was working and not taking off. I didn’t have to organize, plan and entertain. I went to work and had an ...
Tomorrow I start my stimulation medications which mean “shots, shots, shots…” I can’t help but sing the LMFAO Lil Jon song when I say this. In all seriousness, I should be prepared; I’ve read all the material, watched all the videos, and even received a tutorial from the nurse ...
It must start with a loving relationship with your step daughter. Then you must have boundaries in place. She should not be allowed to be rude or disrespectful. There have to be consequences — not beating her but loving, firm boundaries in place. I recommend you get a counselor to help...