These statistical models are the backbone of big data and AL. Yet a perfect model will always be beyond reach. “All models are wrong,” runs a wise saying. “Some are useful.”Ms Thompson focuses on a challenge she calls the Hawkmoth Effect. In the better known Butterfly Effect, a ...
Country-of-origin (COO) research highlights the influence of a brand’s origin country on consumer decision-making (Hulland et al.,1996). The conceptualization of brand origin is a contentious issue that has attracted significant research interest in the international marketing literature (Magnusson ...
It was extremely difficult for me to create a presentation when I did not have a solid idea of what to do or how to do it. Moreover, my manager wanted the presentation within the next 5 days! It was like an impossible situation.This presentation was nothing like adding some statistical ...
in Australia, concerning their concepts of the shape, size and motion of the Earth, Sun and Moon (ESM). The children were questioned using a clinical interview technique and stimulus materials. A number of alternative views were shown to be held. The authors stated that: ‘use of a similar...
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.It was the day before deadline and I drowned myself doing analysis and preparing for the presentation. Hearing the word, I dashed to the hospital and found him, my dear tea...
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. It was the day before deadline and I drowned myself doing analysis and preparing for the presentation. Hearing the word, I dashed to the hospital and found him, my dear teammate, lying on the bed, face pale....
Those interested in presenting at either the research roundtable or on a panel during the second day of the Conference should send an abstract of no more than 500 words describing their proposed presentation, an indication of whether the proposal is for the research roundtable or the policy prog...
Another BIS research piece reporting the positive effects of sectoral macropru on consumer and credit card loans in Turkey despite offering absolutely no robust statistical analysis, based on a sample of n = 2, and whose effects were most probably confounded by the sharp increase in reserve requir...
Others felt haunted by the graphic images of abuse they examined when preparing for trial including a four-hour video of a beating. When I asked workers to describe a difficult case they had in the past six months, many instead supplied many traumatic narratives that stuck in their memory. ...
Statistical pooling of the results, an approach used in many systematic reviews of therapeutic or diagnostic interventions, is beyond the skill of all but a few practicing clinicians. Similarly, an exhaustive search, on the level of what is required for a valid meta-analysis, is beyond the reso...