The idiom “when pigs fly” has a rich history that spans centuries, with roots in early literature and proverbs. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to its vivid imagery and universal appeal, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries. Its origins are often linked to a centuries-old S...
The meaning of WHEN PIGS FLY is —used to say that one thinks that something will never happen. How to use when pigs fly in a sentence.
Meaning: Something that will never happen or something is highly unlikely to happen 意思:永远不会发生的事情,或者不太可能发生的事情 Example Sentences 1.I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
“When pigs fly.” What's the meaning of this idiom? A. 当猪飞起来的时候。 B. 绝不可能。 C. 猪在飞的时候很美丽。 D. 猪喜欢飞。 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。解析:这个俗语的意思是绝不可能。选项 A 是字面翻译,不是引申义。选项 C 和 D 的意思不符合该俗语的含义。
Meaning: Something that will never happen or something is highly unlikely to happen 意思永远不会发生的事情,或者不太可能发生的事情 Example Sentences I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
Meaning: Something that will never happen or something is highly unlikely to happen 意思:永远不会发生的事情,或者不太可能发生的事情 Example Sentences 1.I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
Meaning:Somethingthatwillneverhappenorsomethingishighlyunlikelytohappen 意思:永远不会发生的事情,或者不太可能发生的事情 ExampleSentences 1.IaskedmybossifIcouldgoonatwomonthvacation,hesaidyes,whenpigsfly! 我问我的老板我能不能度两个月的假,他说要是猪能飞就让我去。
When did pigs grow wings? Yet, to a native English speaker, it makes total sense. The phrase when pigs fly is a great example of an idiom, or an expression that has a meaning completely different from that of the words of which it is composed. Let's take a look at some amusing ...
When pigs fly 的意思不難猜, 因為字面上就是 ”當豬會飛” 各位都吃過豬肉, 可能也看過豬走路, 但應該沒看過豬會飛吧?! 所以 When pigs fly 當然就是在 比喻不可能發生的事 注意這是成語, 所以你不能亂換別的動物哦~ 一定要是豬才行 通常用這個成語都帶有嘲諷或挖苦的意味 比如: A: Do you ...
Idioms rely on context and cultural knowledge, and just understanding the individual words in the idiom doesn’t always mean you will understand the whole meaning. Let’s take a look at six interesting English idioms and find out what they really mean. When pigs fly Pig’s can’t ...