no_data_found异常的处理方法 在PL/SQL中,no_data_found异常可以通过在代码中使用EXCEPTION块来捕获并处理。当查询结果为空时,程序控制流会跳转到EXCEPTION块中对应的WHEN no_data_found THEN部分,从而允许开发者自定义处理逻辑,如输出错误消息、记录日志或执行特定的业务逻辑等。
NULL 当没有数据时,抛出空值 RAISE 是用来抛出异常的,没带参数的如你上面的这种,就是将当前的异常传到外部程序。
用自定义异常 DECLARE PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(not_enough_values, -947);BEGIN WHEN not_enough_values THEN END;
in my heart lies a me in my heart till the in my homeland in my life ive found in my lowest moment in my minds eye in my opinion in my personal panthe in my purse in my whisky sour the in my whole life ive in name only in naples in new century in in new year in next semest...
Error -1811 = 0xfffff8ed =Jet_errFileNotFound= File not found. The database may be missing or there may be other causes for this error. Another reason for error -1811 could be that the Exchange database and log files may have been put on network storage, which is not supported. Also...
Describe the bug When trying to load the dataset I get an error. Steps/Code to Reproduce from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import Standar...
Description Multiple errors occur when opening the app (attached in the Logs section), however the app still opens. This doesn't happen with official appimage Obsidian Version Obsidian - Markdown-based knowledge base ID: md.obsidian.Obsi...
When starting AutoCAD products, or when attempting to run a LISP function in the product, an error message is displayed on the command line: Error: no function definition: VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT The routine has run previousl...
2023-09-25::12:45:28::203 performNewComponentsJsonDownload :2210 DEBUG Successfully waited for new data 2023-09-25::12:45:28::203 getNewComponentsDetailsJsonURL :35 DEBUG No Server Ip found 2023-09-25::12:45:28::203 getNewComponentsDetailsJsonURL :43 DEBUG No Servertype f...