Nitat Termmee President Trump earlier this week announced a surprise plan to shrink the federal workforce by offering a buyout plan to government workers. And with a deadline of Feb. 6, those workers don’t have long to decide what course they want to take. The buyouts—really a “deferr...
This was the best year for the Oscars in decades. Top to bottom, this year’s films were better than any year in recent memory and you have to go back averylong time to start to get into years where, for the most part, the movies are excellent and the good ones win. That shouldn...
asortofadmissiontobeinglowclass itisalsoseenasaninsulttothosekeptwaiting asiftosayyourtimeisnotthatimportanttothem theseattitudebordersonseenitselfinbusiness beinglate evenonlyafewtimesmaymakethedifferencebetweenyouregettingapromotionandbeingkeptinyourplaceforsocialdates itisoftenasignofslovellinessatbest...
Keep political hatred and confrontations away at least when you look on Gandhian images.A true Indian can inspire himself simply looking on Gandhian sculptors and photos because no where in the world you will find such a noble personality who stand still in our mind as the seer of tolerance...
Dong-baek ignores the comment, offering her a raise so she can save up. When asked if a raise will help her buy a house and start a family, Dong-baek has no answer. Hyang-mi laments that they were abandoned and lack education, money and connections. They were dealt the worst hand po...
Sometimes that’s the price of admission for having an otherwise fucking amazing person in your life. This is super-long now, and I am tired, and should stop, but I hope it is at least a little helpful. I really feel for your friend. They had some bad peopl...
’ To start and have any real success making needed changes we must win the White House and both Houses of Congress by big margins on Nov. 3. That means from now until Election Day every Democrat, Democratic leaning independent, and decent Republican must stop nit-picking Joe Biden and our...