The Rotation-Vibration Coupling in Diatomic Molecules A solution of the wave equation for the nuclear motion of a diatomic molecule with a Morse potential function and the rotational term included is given. The wave functions are found to have the same form as the functions obtained when th......
Expressions are obtained that are suitable for practical calculations of single-quantum and double-quantum rotational transitions in diatomic molecules. The collisional rotational transition probabilities are averaged over the Maxwell velocity distribution and their dependence on the gas temperature is obtained...
Then figure out the point where gravity is no longer sufficient to prevent the water molecules from blowing away into solar orbit. Eventually, I assume you'd reach a point where the spin would overcome the force holding the core together and the planet would split into multiple moons in ...
When solids touch, collide, slide I would generally assume that the atoms/molecules remain bound, but their positions are temporarily moved slightly away from their normal equilibrium position: bonds are stretched or compressed, rather than broken, Electric PE is returnable when the atoms move ...