What is produced when a primary oocyte divides? After a primary oocyte divides meiotically,three haploid cellsare produced. At what stage of meiosis do developing ova become Meiotically arrested? At around 20 weeks' gestation, oogonia become primary oocytes, and their development is arrested inprop...
What is Gemma Class 11? Gemmae aregreen, multicellular, asexual buds, which develop in small receptacles called gemma cups located on the thalli. The sporophyte is differentiated into a foot, seta, and capsule. After meiosis, spores are produced within the capsule, the spores germinate to form...
Based on the acceptedCryptosporidiumlife cycle,C. parvumis haploid at all stages except for just after fertilization, at which time the diploid zygote quickly undergoes meiosis to give rise to haploid sporozoites within thick and thin-walled oocysts that are either passed in the feces or excyst ...