When people write in English,they use letters of the alphabet.People who write in Chinese however,use characters(文字)that stand for words or ideas.(1)___.The earliest forms were called "oracle bones. " These were animal bones marked with pictures and symbols.In addition to writing on bone...
In the Beginning When people write in English, they use letters of the alphabet. People who write in Chinese,however, use characters that stand for words or ideas. Historians believe Chinese writing began as early as 1, 500 B C. The earliest forms were called “oracle bones". These were ...
When people see a sentence in English, they enjoy a link words to each other. Because of this linking the words in a sentence do not always sound the same as we they are said individually. Sound leaking is probably the biggest problem for learns of English. When they try to understand a...
B.Toteachpreschoolchildrentowriteletterswithchalk. C.Toencouragechildrentofacewritingchallengesbravely. D.Tohelpchildrengetreadyforhandwritingbeforeschool. ( )15.Whatcanbethebesttitleforthetext? A.Doespoorhandwritingreallymeanbeinglazy? B.Howcanhandwritingaffectchildren?sself-confidence? C.Shouldhandwritingbe...
(完成) through sign language in which body movements stand for letters,words,and ideas.Tourists,the deaf,and the (#mute#) have had to turn to this form of expression.Many of these movements are simple and exact and can be used internationally;spelling,however,cannot.Body language passes on ...
三、任务型阅读(还原句子)。When people write in English, they use letters of the alphabet. People who write in Chinese,however, use characters(文字) that stand for words or ideas. 1. B The earliest forms were called"oracle bones". These were animal bones marked with pictures and symbols. ...
(完成) through sign language in which body movements stand for letters,words,and ideas.Tourists,the deaf,and the (#mute#) have had to turn to this form of expression.Many of these movements are simple and exact and can be used internationally;spelling,however,cannot.Body language passes on ...
三、阅读理解(10分)In the beginningWhen people write in English, they use lettersof the alphabet. People who write in Chinese, how-ever, use characters that stand for words or ideas.Historians believe that Chinese writing began as early as1500 BC. The earliest forms were called “oraclebones...
aEven hear the teacher's lectures are, 听见老师的演讲是,[translate] aWhen there is a language barrier,communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters,words,and ideas. 当有语言障隘时,通信通过行动代表信件、词和想法的手势语是成功的。[translate]...
(障碍), communication is completed through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas.Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to turn to this form of expression.Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used ...